Women Warriors Mission
Our modern society is going through an enormous upheaval and change, in which norms, mindsets, societal behavior and beliefs are being questioned. Equality is one of the biggest issues being discussed. I feel we can get so much insight by looking back on societies from the past that seem to be based on mutual respect and encouraging people to do their best, for the survival and flourishing of the community. Let’s get back to basics, even though many of today’s communities, countries, societies or cultures may not feel they have to survive against Nature. The battle now is more within, in the psyche. It’s more the fight for Nature in our world: Human nature vs societal nature. I think the recipe for bringing balance back into our world is found in the knowledge, acceptance, discovery and enlightenment of societies from our ancient past that already had that balance. Societies where both females and males fought and hunted, where everyone was trained according to their abilities, gifts and talents. I may be romanticizing the past because we will never really know how it was thousands of years ago, but it doesn’t really matter. We can still learn from what we know. With advances in both archaeological research techniques and societal mindsets, we are more free to interpret historical writings and findings from a more neutral point of view. This is my mission.